Sunday, February 27, 2011

An Update...Some Review, Some Not

Dans been in and out of the hospital since November(4 or 5 times total and more will happen). His blood count and platelet count just wont cooperate. Everytime he does chemo it kills his numbers. That is to be expected but not to the degree that it makes it impossible for him to do treatment the next week. So he's been having a lot of "off" weeks which isnt good for the destruction of the cancer.

He'll have new scans done next month to see the tumors' progress. We are concerned cuz of new developments with his liver pushing out a bit and a new, sore lump under his jaw in the lymph node area.

Im still giving him the shot to force his bone marrow to produce white cells, almost every day. He is also now getting a shot done every other week at the drs(during his chemo time)to force the marrow to produce red blood cells.

His doctor is a twit. He said on Wednesday that their goal, since Dan is in stage 4, is to prolong his life with a decent quality to living, and keep the tumors down. No talk of actually KILLING/DESTROYING the stuff just basically maintaining and prolonging. Utterly ridiculous!!!!!!!

I cant wait to move cuz hopefully we'll find doctors who give out hope and positiveness.

I also learned Dan was giving life expectancy numbers when this all started, he just never told me. With treatment(since he chose that route)he was given 22-24 months.

That was good to hear but deflated me a bit.

Still gonna go on fighting and keeping the positive and hope alive. Not gonna give up...neither of us are.

But its been very, very hard. And we have an additional person in the house now so its been even more stressful(on me at least, Dan loves it). So thats been an adjustment.

My emotions are all over the place over everything anymore.

But thats really where we are at. Fighting, dealing with Dans body not cooperating and a doctor who could really care less and lifes daily, regular struggles.

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