Thursday, March 31, 2011

Last Appt with Twitty Doctor

So on the 30th we had our last appointment with the twitty doctor. He just kept yapping about numbers being the same(platelet count that is) and Dan not really having anything so he'll do a couple more chemo sessions and then let it go for 3 mths or so and then at that point do more scans to see if there is a change,etc.

Im SOOOOOOOOOOOO glad we dont have to deal with him again. Even if the new doctor says the same things if he can at least say it in a kind and non-freak out on ya way that will be helpful and better. Tired of a doctor who treats us like morons and keeps changing his thoughts every other sentance. I want a consistant, caring doctor and I dont think its too much to ask for and neither does Dan.

So Dan did get chemo, first time in nearly 6 wks, and its killing him. He was so tired(typical) yesterday after we got home and then was having chest pains(not cool) and today he's spent all day in our room cuz he's felt flu-like and feverish(can be typical reaction to chemo). Most of this is pretty typical especially since he's not had it in so long. Poor guy, wish I could take some of the pain and ick away even if only for a short while.

So thats where we are at. Next Wednesday is a new doctor and hopefully the start of a new "day" where we can understand the doctor and he understand us and we can work together to get this tended to.

I realize Dan probably wont survive this but that doesnt mean we give up or stay with a doctor who is a twit. Nope we will go down fighting!

*and I want to say a special thank you to those who have read this and commented and those who have supported us in other ways. I appreciate knowing we are thought about and loved and wished well*

Monday, March 21, 2011

Update 3/21/11

Dan had new scans done on the 7th/8th of this month. Here is what the doctor said about them(even tho we had the results ourselves days before we saw him).

Dr says his spleen is enlarged but they'll watch it, no biggie(uhhh ya it is). Dr said the 7mm mention of the tumor size isnt right. He says the tumor is really miniscule and basically Dan is in remission but they'll keep working at it. Dr now says Dan isnt necessarily gonna die but he cant predict the future noone can(well duh!) but at the same time he says Dans got a 9-13 mth life expectancy WITH treatment(even tho at the start of this all he told Dan that number was 22-24 mths). The dr just kept changing his tune at every corner.

The report says his liver tumor is shrinkage nor growth. Dr says that means its too small and more like remission. Yet when I said "so its not grown nor shrunk that means remission?" he jumped my ass(literally jumped down my throat)and went off about scan guys not reading them right and that he didnt say it was in remission just stable. So I said again "so the non growth/non shrink is a good thing and its stable so we can proceed" he jumped on me again about misunderstanding him.

The guy is an ass and Im so glad we get a new dr next month!! He spent an hour with us arguing but at every turn he changed his tune. Anything to make himself look smart and everyone else look dumb.

Dans got fatty deposits in his liver but, according to the dr, everyone does so its no big deal. We could go without chemo or we could do it if Dan wants.

So more time without chemo(that makes it a month w/o). We go back on the 30th.

Im so drained from that doctors room of gloom and doom(seriously between the two of them going at it thats what the air in the room felt like)...I cant even begin to tell you how exhausted I feel and angry and sad and how ANGRY beyond words Dan is.

Here is what I know for sure....

*Dans tumor, according to scans, is still visible and there. NOT miniscule in size.

*The tumor is growth and no shrinkage. Thats good and bad.

*Dans spleen has "significantly" enlarged since the scans in December. Nothing but watching can be done but he must be a bit more careful since you cant do anything about it really.

*There are fatty tissues in the liver that werent there in the December scan.

*Im freakin' exhausted in every way possible.

Thats the update...for now.